Happy Independence to all who are PRIVILEGED, SAFE and FORTUNATE ENOUGH!


We are happy and proud to be Indians, but I AM not so proud to be a human, enjoying my independence without doing anything for our fellow citizens who are still the slaves of inhumanity. Yes, I feel bad to call our country free, when it is not!

These pictures will make you feel the same! I bet!

Enjoy Your Independence anyways!

Children on work sites than in schools – neither happy nor free!download (1)




Farmers commit suicide, but feed  us!httpwww.thehansindia.comassetsFarmers(6).jpg





Poor old widows begging in Varanasi and Mathura! It’s all their fault- they lost their husbands – their fault; they have uncaring and ungrateful children – their fault!httpwww.pardaphash.comuploadsimages660banaras%20widows-83915.jpg


Baby girls being killed in many states of our country! THEY ARE NOT EVEN FREE TO LIVE abortion_by_pzkrolik



Child abuse is alarmingly increasing !httpimages.indiatvnews.comcrimecrimeIndiaTva35a17_minor_molestation.jpg




Kids working in hazardous cracker factories – Don’t even have right to breathe fresh air! THEY ARE NOT FREEhttpgraphics8.nytimes.comimages20121112worldasia12-Firecracker1-Indiaink12-Firecracker1-Indiaink-blog480.jpg



Crime against Women!!!!! It doesn’t matter anymore,,,, everyday story!httplawlex.orgwp-contentuploads201305QWuXtyBwZfUOZCu-556x313-noPad.jpg



Poverty Stricken families! we see them all over, but what can we do? Government will handle!httpsgmroebuck.files.wordpress.com201104ind751.jpg



No, it’s not to sympathize with the beggars, but against the malicious Begging Racket!httpwww.udaipurtimes.comwp-contentuploads201402beggars.jpg


Even after 69 years of freedom, we are not free from any of these issues, why? Because, as common people we don’t even try, and just believe that our efforts would not be enough to change these situations.

We continue to live like this for years enjoying OUR freedom, not India’s freedom!


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